Thursday, December 27, 2012

Germany Day 1

Today was a day filled with traveling (needless to say I never want to ride on another plane for a while) but luckily it is over... For now. 9 hours on a plane, 6 hours in an airport afterwards, and 2 on a bus, we were all ready to take a nap and eat lol. The delis over here are like nothing else. These places are as if they are straight off of Pinterest. None of it actually looked like edible just because it was so pretty lol (Pic on fb). After many hours of waiting in the airport for everyone, we were off to the hotel in Bonn. In Bonn, we met up with our Professor and received our cell phones (ancient brick Nokia phones). I say this because that means no one should worry and in case of an emergency I can contact someone right away (there you go mom)!

Now to the people that I am traveling with. Seeing that we are all Aggies, it was inevitable that everyone would be pretty cool. The group is very diverse in our experiences but it is a really good group of Aggies!

We spent the afternoon taking a short tour of the town of Bonn with our professor and guide. The town is beyond beautiful and will definitely be a place that I travel to again. I have never been to a place in the states that can compete with the beauty of Bonn. I'm anxious to see the ret of the town. For dinner, we went to a local pub that served traditional schnitzels (basically a REALLY good fried pork chop) and German beer, which put American beer to shame!!

It's 3:00 in the morning here and after going to sleep at wide awake. Sorry if this blog isn't well written but if you really know me, you know I'm a TERRIBLE writer. The day ahead is filled with some awesome adventures (ie a surgery and more tours), ill be posting pictures on Facebook to go with my blog.


PS- mom, lindsay, nina, and papa... stop worrying!!!

Germany Pre- Departure

I know this is a little late but better late then never. The realization that I was leaving for Germany did not set in until the night before we left on Christmas Day. After traveling overseas once, I was not looking forward to the flight but I knew this trip was going to be a lot of fun. Not actually knowing anyone going on the trip was exciting and nerve wracking. However by the few conversations on our Facebook group page, I knew this was going to be a fun group.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Starting my blog

Today, I accepted my offer to go to Germany for 3 weeks in the Winter-mester.  Seeing as I will not have anyway to communicate with anyone when I am over there, I decided to start a blog.  I am a horrible writer (so please don't make fun of me).